Couples Coaching

Close relationships can be very difficult, challenging, and often painful roads to navigate. My goal is to offer you a journey into relationship intimacy that honors each individual and never causes anyone to lose sight of themselves.
Together we will work to develop an understanding of how to strengthen emotional connection in your relationship that you will carry with you and apply throughout your lifetime, allowing you to face life´s challenges shoulder to shoulder as a team.
My primary approach is based on my solid education in the following methods: Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (EFCT) with Dr. Sue Johnson and “Method of Couples Therapy” with John & Julia Gottman and many other couples relationships experts such as Alison Armstrong and David Deida.
Don´t you want to be loved for being yourself, not for trying to be what someone else imagines you “ought” to be?
The caring relationship is one where each person seeks to understand and honor the other just as he or she is.
Deep intimacy comes from effective communication. My Couples Coaching helps you learn how to understand your partner´s “love rules” and once this is achieved, your relationship will become an example of what most people wish for and dream of. Grow as a couple and find true fulfillment.

Stephen Ryan
Dublin, Ireland “Couples Coaching with Yasmin Demirhan made me look at my relationship from a different point of view and put me on the right path; not just for my relationship, but for my life as well.”