Life Coaching

Creating a life you love and achieving the results you really want starts with a deeper understanding of your abilities, talents, core values and the beliefs that support them. Understanding and accepting who you are is the first step on your path to personal and professional development.
My structured Life Coaching Program will help you become more successful in every area of your life. As you work through this program, you will discover you start to become stronger, your self-worth rises, you trust more in yourself, and you will find reaching your goals is much easier than you had previously thought and experienced.
Here are more of the many ways you can benefit:

• Clear your inner clutter and organize your life.
• Identify your core values and passions.
• Better manage transitions and change.
• Discover the work/career you love.
• Get your emotional needs met.
• Ignite your self-esteem.
• Practice self-care.
• Create financial security.
• Gain greater health and well-being.
• Communicate with power, grace and style.
• Eliminate unhealthy habits and create new powerful ones.
• Learn to attract what you want instead of striving and struggling.
• Design your ideal life and enjoy living it step-by-step.
• And much, much more!
Integration is an essential ingredient for the success in this program, and in all my coaching programs. Have you ever been to a seminar, read a book or learned something that was very exciting, but after a week, it faded away? The essence of my program is full integration of what is learned back into everyday life, so that it never fades.
My Life Coaching is about increasing personal power, by increasing the number of choices and options a person has to accomplish his or her goals. As a Life Coach I bring out the best in people, and inspire them to appreciate and support the best in themselves and others.
Andrea Palau
Actress and Professional Ballarina
Castellon, Spain. "An intensive personalized coaching program with Yasmin Demirhan has been an absolute experience, beyond enriching. It is amazing how this incredible woman with a beautiful smile and good heart brings out the best in you, leads you and guides you to progress along the path. Her tools are magical and her wisdom masterful. Yasmin Demirhan never ceases to surprise you. Thanks to her I will shine once again and design my life from the inside out. Thank you for your authenticity. A great discovery to have met you and learn from you !!! 100% RECOMMENDABLE!!!"
Javier Robles
Palma de Mallorca, Spain “In each of our lives, we are brought to different places and unexpected routes. In my case, my working life led me to Barcelona where I had the opportunity to meet Yasmin. Throughout my career in the Catalan capital, my professional status began to affect my emotional state in a negative way. I did not consider another way out apart from keeping working hard and putting aside my personal feelings, so throughout these time my social and family lives worsened. And yes, it was in an unexpected moment during a session with Yasmin, where my vision which was anchored in negativity, began to fill with optimism. Yasmin had realised that something was affecting me. After transmitting me the importance of living a balanced life, I decided to explain to her that for some time I had seemed to have lost my enthusiasm for work, for my hobbies, for the reconciliation of my personal life with the professional life. After the explanation of my personal state, I remember Yasmin looking into my eyes, and not saying anything. She then smiled and quickly pulled out a blank sheet of paper and a pen. At that time, I did not understand for sure what she intended, but we started to put together and discuss my concerns and doubts about the situations that I faced every day. Little by little, note after note, we crumbled tasks and activities that caused me uncertainty in my daily life and that did not bring me personal balance. In the end, I realized that if I wanted to be happy, I could no longer be anchored to a negative past, and should create openings that allow me to be who I want to be. I realized the weak points that had given me discomfort. Within two months of that fabulous meeting, I decided to return to my birthplace, the Island of Mallorca, where I continue my professional and enthusiastic path for goals that are coming my way, without losing sight of the little things in my daily life that make me happy. Sometimes we lose our way / point of view by focusing on goals and we ignore things, people, values...I was lucky to cross paths with Yasmin who was capable of eliciting clarity when I did not have the capability to understand my reality. I hope that all of you who have been in a situation similar to mine, can cross paths with Yasmin Demirhan.”
Carmen Rodriguez
Barcelona, Spain. “Sometimes in life, you meet wonderful and extraordinary people. This has been my case as I have had the privilege to find a professional, magnificent and wonderful person in every way, who has greatly helped me with her completely innovative vision of coaching, her “Inner Power Method.” When I met her, I was very disoriented and I discovered through her coaching that all of the areas of my life were not working properly and the dreams I had craved for very long were not going in the direction that I had desired. Thanks to constant work through individual sessions with Yasmin I have been gradually yet firmly progressing and achieving the goals and results I want in all areas of my life. Today I can with peace in my mind say that my reality is very different. Thanks to Yasmin´s powerful coaching sessions my life has revolved and rotated in the direction I want. I am now enjoying what once were merely dreams. Without Yasmin´s help my dreams would never have manifested in reality. To Yasmin, the one who I dearly call “my coach” I would like to say that your individual sessions have been effective and efficient for me in every way: working in a climate of harmony and love. Yasmin is an authentic professional that makes her true passion and calling a profession. Today I can say that I feel secure and happy, and that my life is going in the direction that I WANT. Now the doors that I did not know how to open in the first session with Yasmin, are wide open with much happiness. Furthermore I have discovered new doors I did not know existed. Yasmin, Thank you so much for bringing out the best in me. It is a blessing to have you as my coach!”
Manuel Albiol
Barcelona, España “The greatest accomplishment of having Yasmin as my personal coach was her guidance in making important decisions in my life. She guided me in a way that I was the one who actually made the decisions to build a much better life for myself.”
Jessica Breitenfeld
Coach, Entertainer & Intercultural Specialist
Canada, "Yasmin, I owe so much of my success to your life coaching sessions. You have empowered me to serve others with my passion of communicating with presence."
Ferrán Torroja
Barcelona, Spain “Yasmin Demirhan showed me great generosity, dedication to her services, and total delivery during the coaching sessions I had with her. It is evident that she is passionate about what she does and that it is her life, therefore, she has gained much wisdom. Yasmin helped me concentrate to clarify important aspects of my life and gave me useful tools to bring me closer to my goals.”
Franziska Schonert
Berlin, Germany “I am a strong, determined and creative woman with an academic career, a great zest for life and a strong family support. But I came to a point where I knew that I wasn’t able to solve my problems and deal with my sorrows in the ways that I had usually done. I was searching for someone who could be the key to my happiness again. After getting to know Yasmin Demirhan, I knew from the start that she would be the one that I could trust and talk to. I was impressed by her open, loving and bright nature and her amount of positive energy. Immediately we had a connection. Yasmin was very sensitive and chose the right questions and methods to first find out what my actual problems were, and then how to tackle them. I was surprised to see what had blocked me all the time, how strong emotions had controlled me, what my real heart’s desire was, how loving I could treat myself and which strategies I could use to develop my neglected areas of life. I felt relieved, clear and so much more filled with self-love after my sessions with Yasmin. Yasmin gave me the last puzzle piece I needed to live the way I wanted to live. From then on, I lived with more self-confidence and higher self-esteem. I stood up for myself, my values and beliefs, I worked on the realization of my postponed dreams and only five weeks later my BIGGEST DREAM came true. I am very grateful life brought us together. I recommend Yasmin Demirhan from the bottom of my heart. Having her as a coach is a lifelong gift.”
Helle Mortensen
Copenhagen, Denmark “I started a coaching program with Yasmin 8 years ago when I had some important issues I wanted to work on and had a hard time being motivated to complete them. When I first met Yasmin, I was met with open arms, a smile and a big hug. That made me feel safe instantly and each time the coaching session was great and relaxed. Yasmin is a magnificent listener and very good at getting to the core of the things one wishes to change. She has a simple yet powerful coaching method, that made me find the answers on my own. It was Yasmin´s questions that opened the doors for me. I would suddenly find some answers within myself and discover a way towards the things I wanted and be motivated naturally. Yasmin is very good at inspiring and seeing the beauty and greatness in others. I couldn´t stop feeling special and significant in her company. I warmly recommend Yasmin as a coach – She is fantastic!”
Serdar Caglayan
Istanbul, Turkey “Why am I so sad and why do I keep getting hurt even though I do everything to be good to my friends and family? This was one of the thousands of questions roaming in my head 24/7 about 7 years ago, giving me sleepless nights and endless feelings of worry, frustration and anger. I knew deep down inside I was not living the life I wanted. Day after day I was neglecting myself, living in my own bubble of misery and self-hate, while on the outside I seemed happy and confident to the world. When I met Yasmin, for some reason I felt comfortable talking to her about EVERYTHING - from the meaning of happiness to brewing a good cup of coffee. Not long after I found myself sitting with Yasmin and talking about why I was so sad. I had never done this before and Yasmin didn't tell me what to do to be happy. Instead she evoked in me the feeling that I, and only I, was capable of reaching inner peace and happiness and that I had the power and ability to do so. More accurately, she didn't even tell me this, she merely guided me through my thoughts where I reached the conclusion that I needed to take a closer look at my inner self. To this day I am still wondering how Yasmin was able to help me realize that I had to take my life seriously, and that I was the only solution to my own happiness. Thanks to Yasmin Demirhan I came to realize all of this. The only person I could talk to about my inner feelings was my sister, and even her I couldn't tell the whole truth about how I felt about life. But for some reason I was comfortable telling Yasmin my deepest thoughts. I have heard many say that you meet people for a reason and years later I have come to realize that crossing paths with Yasmin has been a key event in my life. First of all she listened relentlessly to my story and my frustrations, and she gave me the feeling that I was being listened to, taken seriously and understood. This was something completely new to me, and I was shocked at how good it felt to be acknowledged and have my words taken seriously. I am forever thankful to have met Yasmin, and know that I have met her for a reason.”
Cristina Fernández Marín
Madrid, Spain “Yasmin is not the typical professional coach who merely listens to you, she is a person who also engages you, invites you to understand and advises you. She provides you with tools of all kinds with a single purpose: that you, by yourself, can be able to see the problem and create a solution. She values the integrity of the individual, so she never judges or criticizes, but is instead loving and understanding. When I turned to her for the first time, I was desperate. My life had taken a complete turn, and I was very devastated. I saw no sense in my personal or professional life, but she knew at all times to be clear with me and helped me with the use of different tools, to see things from another perspective. Not only that, I also gained self-esteem, confidence, security in my abilities, and hope in my future. From the first moment she made me feel at home, and very comfortable. It was not difficult to open up to her and tell my insecurities. Now, after having had several individual sessions and attending a workshop on the fear of rejection, I have managed to be more realistic in my everyday life. I have learned to value myself. Yasmin has acted as I understand a good coach should: by not only guiding you but letting you see and assume reality for yourself. She offers her help, support, care, and understanding. She knows when to be there, she knows what you need, and she enjoys helping others. For me there is no doubt that Yasmin is a 10 as a person and as a professional. I now feel more fulfilled, more empowered and more willing to achieve a better future. This change I owe to her.”
Luciana Lima
Sâo Paulo, Brazil “I remember the first day I met Yasmin in one of her personal development workshops. That day I was very much inspired by her words, but what caught my attention the most was her passion for what she does, and that makes her very special. She carries out her work lovingly and you can feel that she really wants you to become a better person and to get the best out of your life. Since that day I've started with individual sessions, and today I can say that there is a long path to follow in pursuit of personal growth, but I can assure you that I'm a different person, a better version of myself, with clearer ideas, knowing myself much better and eager to learn more and move forward. I have learned that the mind has two sides, it can help us a lot if we guide it, but it can also destroy us if we neglect it. The power is in oneself and Yasmin helps you see that power! It is a gift when you get to know a person like her, so I recommend her to all my friends. Thank you Yasmin with all my heart!”
Pilar Jimenéz
Tarragona, Spain “Yasmin is a great person. With her I have recovered many things that I had lost along the way in my life and I have learned of new ways of living that I didn't even know existed. She transmits tenderness and peace. She is one of those people that I am happy to have met and I know that I can go back to her whenever I want. A spectacular smile and a great hug await me! Thank you Yasmin!”
Mónica Valenzuela
Barcelona, Spain “Working with Yasmin has been a joy. Yasmin is a wonderful professional, she communicates clearly with structured objectives and efficient knowledge in a personalized manner according to the needs of her clients. Her method “Inner Power Method”, provides a visual and realistic approach as a starting point in planning strategies and actions for personal improvement. Yasmin knows how to listen and makes you feel valued. She transmits tranquility, positivity, confidence and is friendly and charming. It is a pleasure to have met her!”
Lidia del Hoyo Lopez
Barcelona, Spain “I met Yasmin in one of her personal development workshops and I loved the way she inspires you to empower your life for better. I then decided to try individual sessions - much more personal and highly productive. Yasmin is a very patient person who knows how to put herself in your situation, help you to fish for solutions, and give you the right tools to improve any aspects of your life. The private sessions are very interesting and valuable and I recommend them to anyone. A 10/10. Thank you Yasmin.”
Annia Bardaji Rodriguez
Barcelona, Spain. It has been an honor to meet Yasmin and share a part of myself with her. I have been able to learn a lot with her and from her at the same time as getting to know myself much more. Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to develop myself even more as a person. This led to the opportunity of knowing which tools we have and how to use them in the different situations we find ourselves in throughout life. By loving her work so much, you also end up loving it. You are pure magic and light. Thank you for teaching me so much.