High Performance Sports Coaching

Ever wondered how some athletes or teams win against all odds? Or on the contrary, have you ever seen some of the most talented athletes fall into a rut? What is it that makes the real difference in sports that can determine an athlete´s performance?
It is all in the mind - Clarity is Power
It all starts with how you think. By training your mind, just as we train our muscles, you are able to influence your performance. With proven NLP techniques and methods, you will create a lasting change and will learn practical tools that you can implement immediately - not only into your sports performance but also into your daily life.
My Sports High Performance Coaching Progamme helps you to acquire the skills you need to achieve your goals.
Some of the target areas in my Sports High Performance Coaching are: self-motivation, goal setting, focus, stress management, modelling and how to help your performance flow.
Whether you are a professional or an amateur; whether you play for leisure, at an Olympic level, or somewhere in between: My Sports High Performance Coaching allows you to turn your performance around for the better, achieve your full potential, and increase your personal power to accomplish what you might have thought was not possible…until now.
I coach with a highly effective combination of Sports Performance Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming designed for extraordinary results.
Excelling in sports requires more than just talent or ability. You must develop the right attitude – a winning mindset.
Developing the ability to pick yourself up and move forward after a setback is essential and a quality that gives you an edge and sets you apart from your competitors.
Sports Performance Coaching helps you reveal your true potential by altering negative thoughts that have the power to prevent success to instead ignite a constant flow of mental strength, even during the most challenging situations.
If you are an athlete searching to make your mark, and direct your mindset so that your dreams become not only possible, but attainable – my Sports High Performance Coaching is for you.
Licensed Sports Performance Coach ™

Marcos Carreño, International Kick Boxing Champion
Alicante, Spain "It was strange, I was an insecure person and afraid to take the next step, I wondered if all the training, the hours and hours of dedication, would be worth it. That's when, one day in April 2015, I met Yasmin. She immediately grabbed my attention. I had to get to know her. I still remember the day when you made me understand that we only have this life, that you have to do everything that makes you happy and fight for what you want, you made me repeat to myself that I was the champion, that I had all the potential to do everything that I set out to do, to even be a champion. Ever since that day I repeat to myself, day after day, that I am the champion, that I will go far, I visualize my fights, my life and above all I visualize the day when I will be the world champion !!! You completely changed me, you are the most amazing person I have ever met, and I thank you for that!"
Lidya Rioboo Ballester, Professional Hip Hop Dancer
Barcelona, Spain “There are people who only by their mere presence inspire you - I was lucky enough to meet one of them on my path. One of the reasons why Yasmin inspires me is because of her congruency. She applies every piece of knowledge and she radiates freshness and wisdom. With her you accept that your dreams can come true and she helps you understand that everyone of us are beautiful beings with millions of possibilities. By working with her I realized that I am an artist, and my art is my dancing. She opened my doors in my practice of dance, the doors that I had shut or was not allowing myself to open. Yasmin made me become conscious by focusing more on expressing myself authentically through my dancing, instead of focusing on how my performance is perceived. If you are looking for a key, it might be closer than you think. Mine was Yasmin Demirhan.”
Jonatan Ledesma, Professional Basketball Player
Mar de Plata, Argentina “I am priviledged to have met Yasmin. She is an incredible person who helps others unconditionally. She has a great vision of life and happiness. In my case, she has changed my manner of thinking completely. I learned to visualize the things that I want to achieve and to convince myself that I can and will achieve them. I learned the value of hard work and to enjoy the journey. With Basketball, she taught me to be more positive and helped me to quickly overcome any errors experienced by instead focusing my energy on being resourceful. To flow like water and adapt to the situations that life presents us. As a basketball player I feel more confident and more centered having my goals clear and utilizing my inner strength.”