Imagine yourself as the driver of the most advanced car you could ever imagine, and me as your co-pilot. I equip you with tools and knowledge to notice your blind spots, and to navigate the speed bumps along the road. I am your cheerleader and your challenger simultaneously. I challenge you to take the road that makes you live an authentic life by aiding you to choose the right destination for you - even if that means the road less travelled.
Instead of going in circles, hitting the same speed bumps over and over again and never reaching a desired destination - I help you to stay present, look forward, move along the path, and learn from your past experiences instead of dwell on them. And most importantly, to enjoy the ride.
This is my mission in your life. As your Personal Coach I aid you in driving your vehicle - your mind - smoothly and elegantly towards your dreams, your goals, and towards becoming the person you truly are. I help you strengthen your Inner Power and regain control and power over your one and only life.
After some time while driving your vehicle, you do not need me anymore. You have learned to drive in a whole new way. Now you are both the driver and co-pilot, simultaneously. You detect your own blind spots and keep moving towards the right destination that truly makes you happy and fulfilled.
“Come to the edge,” he said. They said, “We are afraid.”
“Come to the edge,” he said. They came. He pushed them.
And they flew.
Guillaume Apollinaire